Cover Art

Cover Art

Cover art for a book can make or break the success of it. If it fits the tone of the book and communicates that special “read me” to the customer. I’ve picked up many books just by the attraction to the front of the book.

I just received a book that I’ll be reviewing later for the CFBA: Eternity Falls by Kirk Outerbridge. It is listed as “A Rick Macey Cyberthriller,” and it is published by Marcher Lord Press. I’ve blogged about MLP before, when the independent publisher first launched. It is a unique venture in Christian fiction, and I wanted to highlight it again by noting the cover.

The cover of this book is so professional-looking. I didn’t realize when I requested the book it was from MLP. Seeing it on the table when I got home from work, I looked it over with anticipation. Then I noted the MLP logo on the back. This is not the cover for a typical independent publisher. It truly is top-notch. Obviously I haven’t read a word, since it just arrived, but I think the cover matches the description of the back-copy perfectly.

I’m looking forward to this book, and I’ll have a review in November. I wanted to highlight the professional job Marcher Lord Press and Jeff Gerke is doing with the novels being produced. Keep your eye on this publisher – it seems he is doing something special.

Cover Art

Cover Art

Cover art for a book can make or break the success of it. If it fits the tone of the book and communicates that special “read me” to the customer. I’ve picked up many books just by the attraction to the front of the book.

I just received a book that I’ll be reviewing later for the CFBA: Eternity Falls by Kirk Outerbridge. It is listed as “A Rick Macey Cyberthriller,” and it is published by Marcher Lord Press. I’ve blogged about MLP before, when the independent publisher first launched. It is a unique venture in Christian fiction, and I wanted to highlight it again by noting the cover.

The cover of this book is so professional-looking. I didn’t realize when I requested the book it was from MLP. Seeing it on the table when I got home from work, I looked it over with anticipation. Then I noted the MLP logo on the back. This is not the cover for a typical independent publisher. It truly is top-notch. Obviously I haven’t read a word, since it just arrived, but I think the cover matches the description of the back-copy perfectly.

I’m looking forward to this book, and I’ll have a review in November. I wanted to highlight the professional job Marcher Lord Press and Jeff Gerke is doing with the novels being produced. Keep your eye on this publisher – it seems he is doing something special.