I need a little help here, from all my writing buddies or anyone who wants to give this a shot.

I have notes on my novel idea that I keep in my Palm Pilot. I’ve scribbled in there for 3-4 years. I review it every so often to see if I’m missing any ideas that could be the thing I need right then, or if I’m getting off track.

Yesterday I was looking at it, and in the middle of some notes there is a name.

Guido DiGregorio.

I have no idea who this is, or what he’s doing in my notes. I can’t remember for the life of me why this guy is there.

So, you tell me. Who is Guido DiGregorio? (Maybe I’ll have to figure out a prize for the most creative.) For those who know what my project is, if you can fit him in, all the better!

Step up to the comments, and begin!